So shoot me

So shoot me

Monday, September 21, 2009

Doctor Rafa's Computer is Fucking Up Again

Sleep is a problem. I need to find a better way to need less sleep. I also need to find a way to get more work done faster, but I have a basic solution to that one. That is, I need to get off my ass and just do it.

Amazing how good a cure it is for laziness to stop trying to con and cajole yourself into working and actually do it, right then, no compromises.

Course, it's not as much fun as setting up a reward system, and it takes a lot more willpower...

I think sometime I'd like to do something--immensely practical and helpful for a while. I think that's why I keep coming back to the idea of doing some sort of volunteer work next year.

I'm not addicted to the idea of helping people, necessarily, though I feel that I have a certain duty to better peoples' lives (that inclination itself needs some investigation, and I'm not sure what else to say about it right now).

I do want to see myself doing something skilled (skilled particularly) that directly and immediately contributes to some change, a good change preferably.

Philosophy is the one thing right now that I know for -certain- I love doing, that I feel competent at to a great degree and that I think greatly forms my character out of all the things I like doing. I love philosophy, as a concept, as a striving for the best life, as a general goal of being an excellent human being.

I also think that to be a truly great human being you can't just be a philosopher. You have to be an artisan, and a lover, maybe a politician (read as someone who cares about a communal good, maybe)...a lot of things, basically.

But then, I also think maybe my personal best bet for next year would be doing something that's just fun for a year.

Bartending. Talking to people.

No reason I can't do both and more, I guess. Not really coming to any point, just mulling over an infinite number of possibilities. Good possibilities, most.

Guess in the end I have little to say, except--

I still need to find a way to sleep less. If I can't function with less than 8 hours a night, then I lose a lot of time. Maybe if I drink more water, exercise more.

But then, I don't really want to exercise more, and I drink all the water I want. One has to draw a line somewhere, on self regulation.

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