So shoot me

So shoot me

Thursday, November 4, 2010

People I'd like to meet

Secondary post today, more self-indulgent's my personal blog, shut the fuck up, this isn't for anyone to read, I just like having it.

I keep saying this, but I seriously need to meet new people. Maybe some who actually share interests of mine...heh, quite a concept, yeah?

I'd like some people like the following:
--talk about books with, and have someone have also read the book in question, or be willing to read it with me
--someone I can go hiking, rock climbing, and caving with
--someone to go dancing with in the city (who drinks, and preferably has a car)
--someone who actually enjoys the theatre, and doesn't just sit through it so we can talk later.
--someone who likes weird science experiments, and would play mad scientist with someone (me) who knows almost nothing about chemistry.
--someone who just is quirky and intellectual, and preferably isn't a pretentious boor convinced that anyone with empathy, who thinks that everything isn't a relativistic mess of nothing, is clearly a neanderthal.
--someone who likes debate, and rides that thin line where they care and have real opinions (not just playing devil's advocate), but can debate without feeling like every slight against their position is clearly an unwarranted attack on their person.
--someone who likes cocktails and is an adventurous eater.
--Someone willing to volunteer downtown with me, who isn't doing penance, community service, or just coming along because they want to talk to me about their problems.
--someone who's just honestly a good person--human, and curious--and preferably a huge dork, but one who doesn't make the fact that they're a dork their entire life.

Any of those would do it, really.

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