So shoot me

So shoot me

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Four Quotations

Philosophy is the strangest of subjects: it aims at rigor and yet it
unable to produce any results; it attempts to deal with the most
profound questions and yet constantly finds itself preoccupied with
the trivialities of language; and it claims to be of great relevance
to rational enquiry and the conduct of our life and yet is almost
universally ignored. But perhaps what is strangest of all is the
passion and intensity with which it is pursued by those who have
fallen in its grip.
--Kit White

Philosophy needn’t be vain: it helps us understand the world, and
sometimes it changes it for the better. But its pull is not in its
utility. As Adam Smith said: ‘wonder…and not any expectation of
advantage from its discoveries, is the first principle which prompts
[us] to the study of philosophy.
--Rae Langton

Progress in philosophy consists, I think, in a clearer delineation of
the conceptual options, not in reaching determinate conclusions.
--Kwame Anthony Appiah

If Jim is playing dice and needs a six, then proceeds to roll one, we don't say that he rolled a six on purpose. If he loads a bullet into a revolver, spins the chamber, and proceeds to shoot John, his mortal enemy, we say that he shot the man on purpose. In both cases he desired a certain result against identical odds. If he didn't intentionally roll a six, why did he intentionally shoot John?
--my friend Steve

I posted the third quotation here, and I agree with it to some extent, however--I'm honestly a bit short with people who are content to simply delineate more questions; I agree more with Wittgenstein on that one.I think philosophy can be, perhaps should be, studied like a businessman, to some extent. I believe in real, concrete answers, the actual settlement of questions.

but I suppose utility isn't what leads anyone to philosophy; that part I agree with.
I think the best reason to be a philosopher is'll never get any sleep, you'll never have a moment's peace unless you are

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