So shoot me

So shoot me

Friday, June 21, 2013

grow up humanity. they’re just sounds 
But you’re wrong, though.
No no no no no, I need to break this shit down though.
Ok, let’s talk about what words are.
Words are the most powerful piece of technology that humans have ever come up with. They’re these complex sounds or gestures or squiggles that represent sounds/gestures that - GET THIS SHIT- Allow an idea to be passed from the mind of one human to the mind of another.
That is some groundbreaking shit. I can take a thought that’s in my head, and put it into your head, and then you can react to it and give me feedback and I can know the thoughts that resulted, BECAUSE WORDS. Words allow me to RE-WRITE YOUR BRAIN’S ACTIVITY.
When someone is hurt by a word, it’s not the sound that did it. It’s the fact that the word indicates that there’s some really shitty thoughts going on inside the head of the person who used that word. Because, get this: WORDS MEAN THINGS.
Being hurt by a word that someone says indicates that the person who was hurt has an understanding of that word’s meaning and context and what ideas and behaviors that word represents. It means having the capacity to understand an abstract thing, a sound or gesture, as being representative of something else entirely. Having an emotional reaction to a word is really having an emotional reaction to the thoughts and feelings of another person as they choose to express them in a given social interaction.
There is nothing more adult and more fucking HUMAN than that.
reblogging for awesome commentary.
I am constantly telling people around me the importance of words and word choices, and language in general, as one of the most profound ways of connecting from one person to another.
moniquill: makin you look foolish, always.

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