So shoot me

So shoot me

Monday, July 19, 2010

July nineteenth, twenty-ten

Very pleasant day with my mom. I always enjoy the few chances we have when we’re both fully awake and only with each other. Kind of the best.

Read a paragraph of ancient Greek today—haltingly, and with reference to the alphabet for pronunciation tips—but it happened, and I’m happy about it.


“If we go forward, we die; if we go backward, we die. So let’s go forward and die.”

— Proverb from Africa, quoted by Malidoma Somé in an interview with Leslee Goodman, “Between Two Worlds: Malidoma Somé on Rites of Passage, The Sun Magazine, no. 415 (July 2010).


I learned today that the key to a good cover letter is to do a lot of research on the company you want to be hired to work for. Find specific people, treat the resume/CL process like you’re a salesperson specifically looking to solve a specific person’s problem.

So…I did research on the Advisory Board. Now I want the job even more. I’ll be semi-crushed if I don’t get it, but I know how these things go.

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