So shoot me

So shoot me

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So you want to take a pro-free speech stance by drawing a picture of Muhammad, do you? Read this first

Amplify’d from

Muslim cartoonist on “Draw Muhammad Day”

by G. Willow Wilson

This is the central tragedy of these endless cartoon scandals. No one is looking for a resolution. Drawing insulting depictions of the Prophet Muhammad has become a favorite pastime of hipster racists, whose bulbous-nosed bushy-bearded ‘satire’ resembles the anti-Semitic cartoons of the Third Reich. Thanks in no small part to the vigorous, often violent outcry from hardliners in the Muslim world, these artists are elevated to a kind of freedom-of-speech sainthood whether their work has any real merit or not. Death threats are issued, lives pointlessly imperiled, careers of pundits—never themselves in any danger—made overnight. Noted American Muslim leader Imam Zaid Shakir put it best: this isn’t the clash of civilizations. It’s the clash of the uncivilized.

What Norris failed to understand is that by creating events like “Draw Muhammad Day”, artists hurl rhetorical stones that go straight through their enemies and hit Muslims like me. Al Qaeda isn’t hurt by Draw Muhammad Day. Its entire PR campaign is built on incidents like these. Without the Molly Norrises and Jyllands Postens of the world, Al Qaeda would have to get a lot more creative with its recruitment strategies. Artists who caricature the Prophet inevitably claim, as Norris has done, that they never meant to hurt ordinary Muslims, but ordinary Muslims are the only ones who are hurt. As a Muslim in the comics industry I spend more time than is good for my mental health defending the art and the religion I love from each other. Events like the fallout from Draw Muhammad Day make me think I’m wasting my time—the hate runs too deep on both sides. My conscience won’t let me support the criminalizing of art, but neither will it let me support a parade of cartoons depicting lurid, racist stereotypes of Arab men and passing them off as satire of a holy figure.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July twentieth twenty-ten

Productive day. Sent in cover letter and resume, made contacts, set up a LinkedIn account, cooked some pretty kickass cajun catfish for dinner with Mediterranean couscous and peas (and beer).

This is Your Brain on Music continues to be awesome.

Fuck, I’m tired.

Monday, July 19, 2010

July nineteenth, twenty-ten

Very pleasant day with my mom. I always enjoy the few chances we have when we’re both fully awake and only with each other. Kind of the best.

Read a paragraph of ancient Greek today—haltingly, and with reference to the alphabet for pronunciation tips—but it happened, and I’m happy about it.


“If we go forward, we die; if we go backward, we die. So let’s go forward and die.”

— Proverb from Africa, quoted by Malidoma Somé in an interview with Leslee Goodman, “Between Two Worlds: Malidoma Somé on Rites of Passage, The Sun Magazine, no. 415 (July 2010).


I learned today that the key to a good cover letter is to do a lot of research on the company you want to be hired to work for. Find specific people, treat the resume/CL process like you’re a salesperson specifically looking to solve a specific person’s problem.

So…I did research on the Advisory Board. Now I want the job even more. I’ll be semi-crushed if I don’t get it, but I know how these things go.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Still? Silly mummer

I'm not going to say anything against any rude, unnecessary commentary you feel the need to expel in my direction--you're too delusional to understand exactly how pathetic your attacks really are--

I wish you only what you will invariably receive--a lonely, mediocre life filled with self-entitlement and regret.


Ancient Greek is proving challenging, but fun.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Five slogans

1. Reveal your hidden faults.
2. Approach what you find repulsive.
3. Help those you think you cannot help.
4. Anything you are attached to, give that.
5. Go to the places that scare you.

The five slogans of Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön (1055-1149), given as instructions from her teacher Pha Dhampa Sangye (d. 1117), as popularized by Pema Chödrön


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Not to revel in my sadness or anything…

But this has been fairly bad already.

I find myself really not caring about other peoples’ drama, especially the bits that are—well, revelling in the past, rehashing it over and over. I can’t—deal with that right now, when I need so much to look forward, move forward, act, keep momentum, get it done, or I’m liable to collapse into a ball of hatred and distaste.

Tomorrow I do real work. I don’t care if I’m still sick. I was laid out today and yesterday, and that’s already way too long.

Lead by example. Discipline, hard work, the correct ordering of priorities.

I miss him, and I’m liable to start leaking if I stop moving. Being sick isn’t helping, since it forces me to lie down and not move. I feel a little better when I can try to keep another person moving too, I guess.