So shoot me

So shoot me

Saturday, June 29, 2013

A racist woman is not a feminist; she doesn’t care about helping women, just the women who look like her and can buy the same things she can. A transphobic woman is not a feminist; she is overly concerned with policing the bodies and expressions of others. A woman against reproductive rights — to use bell hook’s own example, and an issue close to your heart — is not a feminist; she prioritizes her dogma or her disgust over the bodies of others. An ableist woman is not a feminist; she holds some Platonic ideal of what a physically or mentally “whole” person should be and tries to force the world to fit inside it.
gosh yes… death to the caitlin moran “if you’re a woman congrats you’re a feminist” quote

Friday, June 21, 2013

"Having privilege isn’t something you can usually change, but that’s okay, because it’s not something you should be ashamed of, or feel bad about. Being told you have privilege, or that you’re privileged, isn’t an insult. It’s a reminder! The key to privilege isn’t worrying about having it, or trying to deny it, or apologize for it, or get rid of it. It’s just paying attention to it, and knowing what it means for you and the people around you. Having privilege is like having big feet. No one hates you for having big feet! They just want you to remember to be careful where you walk."
Sindeloke, on Privilege  (via rebel-grrrl)
  1.  Being an atheist does not erase privilege.
      1. This includes white privilege.
      2. This also includes cis privilege, CNDP privilege, and het privilege.
      3. Seriously, being an atheist does not erase your white privilege.
    1. Criticizing exclusively (majority) non-white religions is racist.
      1. This includes Islam.
      2. The existence of white Muslims does not invalidate this point.
    2. Black Christianity is not always hetereosexist.
      1. Black people are not the most heterosexist heterosexists that ever heterosexisted.
      2. Black queer/gay/lesbian/non-straight/pansexual/asexual people exist too.
    3. Mestiz@s are not the root cause of sexism.
      1. Neither is Latin American Christianity.
      2. You do realize Christianity was imported, right?
    4. Atheists are not the only oppressed religious group.
      1. Muslims are oppressed too.
      2. Often by white atheists.
    5. Islam is not evil.
      1. Neither are hijabs or niqabs.
      2. Neither is Vodun/voodoo/hoodoo.
      3. Neither is any other religion…
      4. …unless it’s World Church of the Creator / The Creativity Movement
        1. Which is white supremacist.
      5. …or the Westboro Baptist Church.
        1. Who even the KKK hates.
    6. Evolutionary psychology is sexist, racist, cissexist, ableist, and heterosexist.
      1. This includes evolutionary psychology that (supposedly) supports atheism.
      2. Supporting evo-psych means
        1. You have not done your homework, or
        2. You are prejudiced.
    7. Other people’s clothing is not your business.
      1. Including religious articles of clothing.
      2. Including hijabs, headwraps, niqabs, burkas, crosses, crucifixes, pentacles, and other symbols.
      3. Even if you really don’t like it.
      4. Even if it’s really religious.
    8. Acknowledge other people’s identities.
      1. Even if you’re uncomfortable with them.
        1. Especially if you’re uncomfortable,
          1. Because they have racial, sexual, cultural, or disabled identity
    9. Paganism is not ‘atheism-lite’.
      1. Neither is agnosticism.
      2. Neither are indigenous religions.
    10. There is no such thing as ‘ironic’ bigotry.
      1. Unless it’s atheists whining about Christmas.
        1. Seriously, I thought only evangelicals did that.
    11. Trans people are not your special little puzzles.
      1. Neither are autistic / disabled people.
        1. I don’t care if you’re a scientist. We’re still not your Rubik’s Cubes.
    12. Not everything should be about science.
      1. There. I said it.
    13. PoC are not the reason why a lot of people are wary of atheists.
      1. It’s because of white/het/cis/CND atheists.
        1. Yes, including you.
    14. Demanding people educate you is oppressive.
      1. Even if you’re ‘being really nice about it’.
        1. Nice =/= good.
    15. Religions are not inherently oppressive.
      1. Did you know that hijabs and niqabs are cultural?
        1. And that many women find them liberating?
    16. Using emotion in writing, reasoning, the internet, or decision-making does not mean one is stupid/dumb/monkey-like/less-evolved/other ableist, racist, eugenicist terms.
      1. It means one is a fucking human being.
    17. Disability is not a flaw in evolution.
      1. Disabled people will not die out with evolution.
      2. Fuck you.
    18. Being atheist does not mean you are automatically not allistic.
      1. If you don’t know what that means, look it up.
        1. You can use Google.
    19. Being a queer atheist does not make you white.
      1. Seriously, enough with this racist bullshit.
    20. Cultural appropriation is also done by atheists.
      1. Deal with it.
    21. There are no purple people.
      1. You should know this.
    22. Making fun of ‘them crazy darkies doin’ their ridick voodoo’ is racist, ableist, and the reason why a LOT of black atheists will not have anything to do with you.
      1. Satire is a tool that works when aimed upwards, at the most powerful people.
        1. Black people are not the most powerful people.
          1. Especially black people practicing voodoo.
    23. No religion is more ridiculous than any other.
      1. Including Mormonism.
      2. …but some have more power, and are therefore better to make fun of.
        1. Like Mormonism.
    24. Being colorblind is only okay if you literally cannot see or distinguish colors.
      1. Otherwise, it’s racist.
    25. Religions derive strength and power from the social power of their followers.
      1. Which is why evangelical Christianity is a better target than Black Christianity.
    26. Being an agnostic (or bisexual) is not ‘taking the easy way out’.
      1. Really, now?
    27. Monosexism is real.
      1. How do I know?
        1. You’re doing it right now.
      2. And yes, queer can be a term for polysexual.
    28. If you think black people are mean to you,
      1. You’re probably white,
        1. And won’t say you are
          1. Because white people never say they’re white.
    29. The terms ‘hermophradite’ ‘third sex’ and ‘biological gender’ are
      1. Essentialist,
      2. Bigoted,
      3. Cissexist,
      4. Anti-intersex
      5. And not up for debate.
    30. If you refuse to identify your privileged identities,
      1. I’m going to assume you just think you’re ‘normal’
        1. And moderate you.
    31. Refusing to acknowledge the power of environment and social structure
      1. Is bigoted
      2. And means you’re a biological essentialist.
    32. Intersex people exist.
      1. Deal with it.
      2. And no, they are not ‘miracles of evolution’.
        1. I thought you didn’t believe in miracles.
    33. Freedom does not just mean ‘freedom to be an atheist and make the choices I would make’. It means freedom to make even choices I don’t like.
      1. Including religious choices.
    34. Social justice / social uprooting / anti-oppression is not about you and your feelings.
      1. Nobody cares about white guilt.
      2. Making everything about your feelings is oppressive.
    35. If you’re offended,
      1. Get over it.
      2. Realize that being offended is much better than being oppressed.
grow up humanity. they’re just sounds 
But you’re wrong, though.
No no no no no, I need to break this shit down though.
Ok, let’s talk about what words are.
Words are the most powerful piece of technology that humans have ever come up with. They’re these complex sounds or gestures or squiggles that represent sounds/gestures that - GET THIS SHIT- Allow an idea to be passed from the mind of one human to the mind of another.
That is some groundbreaking shit. I can take a thought that’s in my head, and put it into your head, and then you can react to it and give me feedback and I can know the thoughts that resulted, BECAUSE WORDS. Words allow me to RE-WRITE YOUR BRAIN’S ACTIVITY.
When someone is hurt by a word, it’s not the sound that did it. It’s the fact that the word indicates that there’s some really shitty thoughts going on inside the head of the person who used that word. Because, get this: WORDS MEAN THINGS.
Being hurt by a word that someone says indicates that the person who was hurt has an understanding of that word’s meaning and context and what ideas and behaviors that word represents. It means having the capacity to understand an abstract thing, a sound or gesture, as being representative of something else entirely. Having an emotional reaction to a word is really having an emotional reaction to the thoughts and feelings of another person as they choose to express them in a given social interaction.
There is nothing more adult and more fucking HUMAN than that.
reblogging for awesome commentary.
I am constantly telling people around me the importance of words and word choices, and language in general, as one of the most profound ways of connecting from one person to another.
moniquill: makin you look foolish, always.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Queerness, to me, is about far more than homosexual attraction. It’s about a willingness to see all other taboos broken down. Sure, many of us start on this path when we first feel “same sex” or “same gender” attraction (though what is sex? And what is gender? And does anyone really have the same sex or gender as anyone else?). But queerness doesn’t stop there.
This is a somewhat controversial stance, but to me queer means something completely different than “gay” or “lesbian” or “bisexual.” A queer person is usually someone who has come to a non-binary view of gender, who recognizes the validity of all trans identities, and who, given this understanding of infinite gender possibilities, finds it hard to define their sexuality any longer in a gender-based way. Queer people understand and support non-monogamy even if they do not engage in it themselves. They can grok being asexual or aromantic. (What does sex have to do with love, or love with sex, necessarily?) A queer can view promiscuous (protected) public bathhouse sex with strangers and complete abstinence as equally healthy.
Queers understand that people have different relationships to their bodies. We get what it means to be stone. We know what body dysphoria is about. We understand that not everyone likes to get touched the same way or to get touched at all. We realize that people with disabilities may have different sexual needs, and that people with survivor histories often have sexual triggers. We can negotiate safe and creative ways to be intimate with people with HIV/AIDs and other STIs.
Queers understand the range of power and sensation and the diversity of sexual dynamics. We are tops and bottoms, doms and subs, sadists and masochists and sadomasochists, versatiles and switches. We know what we like and don’t like in bed.
We embrace a wide range of relationship types. We can be partners, lovers, friends with benefits, platonic sweethearts, chosen family. We can have very different dynamics with different people, often all at once. We don’t expect one person to be able to fulfill all our diverse needs, fantasies and ideals indefinitely.
Because our views on relationships, sex, gender, love, bodies, and family are so unconventional, we are of necessity anti-assimilationist. Because under the kyriarchy we suffer, and watch the people we love suffering, we are political. Because we want to survive, we fight. We only want the freedom to be ourselves, love ourselves, love each other, and live together. Because we are routinely denied that, we are pissed.
Queer doesn’t mean “don’t label me,” it means “I am naming myself.” It means “ask me more questions if you’re curious” and in the same breath means “fuck off.